Saturday, March 26, 2011

Time Change for Weds, March 30 Meeting: Now @ 7 PM

The meeting has been moved back an hour because of Student-led Conferences that will be going until 7 pm that evening. Make sure you tell the school staff that you are coming for the community garden meeting when you come to the school that evening. Hopefully, we will have all the garden plots staked and mapped out so they can be assigned that night.

We will also start a board to coordinate activities, mostly made up of people using the garden. We will also set up a phone tree that the members of the board can use to contact members of the community for upcoming events.

A very generous donor has offered to bring us as much topsoil as we need. More details will be forthcoming.

Finally, we are thinking of beginning classes about basic gardening practices. In fact, we have scheduled two classes, one in Spanish and one in English, for Saturday, April 9 @ 8AM (Spanish) and 10 AM (English). This class will be on Square-Foot Gardening and will be open to the public, so bring your friends and others who may not even be part of Common Ground. What are YOUR thoughts?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More Views and Dimensions

The above photo shows the parking area to the east of the garden spot. Common Grounders (gardeners) will not have to walk very far when hauling tools and supplies from their automobiles.
There is good access to the garden spot. We must be carefull of the trees. We cannot plant next to the trees but, as you can see in the above shot, there is a lot of open spaces between trees.
The overall dimensions of the garden spot are 106 feet long (North-to-South) and 56 feet wide. Shown in the google map below are various plot sizes. The lines that form the inner border are approximately 2-3 feet from the very strong chain-link fence which will support a variety of vegetable and fruit-bearing vines. The other lines indicate small plots of 20"x 4" , 16"x 4" and 12"x 4" in size.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stakeholders Meeting March 24 @ 6 PM

There will be a Meeting for all those wishing to participate in our Community Garden Thursday, March 24. It will be at Lakeridge Junior High School @ 6 PM in room 251 (Mr. Willey's). The purpose of the meeting will be to see what resources we have available as a community and to determine how many plots we will need and what size they will need to be to accommodate as many participants as possible.
So far we have 4 families who have committed:
1. Blosils
2. Butlers
3. Cecils
4. Julkunens

Monday, March 7, 2011

Potential Common Grounders

Please leave a comment here if you are interested in participating, as a gardener, in Lakeridge's first ever community garden. This is a place for comments and questions regarding the garden. We will be posting the rules and other information concerning the garden as soon as they are available. You may also email Mr. Willey at his school email address if you need more information.