Friday, April 1, 2011

Gardening Class April 9

We held the Wednesday evening meeting and those present were able to choose their plots. Four people volunteered to be on the coordinating committee. the agenda for the meeting was as follows:

I. Coordinating Committee (Volunteers?)

A. Responsibilities:

1. Plan and coordinate activities

2. Contact others through phone tree, etc.

3. Other, still to be determined


  1. Karen Barksdale
  2. Charlotte Maassen
  3. July Murphy
  4. Julio Martinez
  5. Abby Maassen?

II. Contact Information List (Phone Tree)(Heidi)

III. Tentative or Initial Plot Assignments (Jeremiah)

IV. Weekly Classes? (Emily)

A. April 9-Square-Foot Gardening (8AM and 10 AM)

V. Top Soil (Emily)

VI. Collaborative Plot (Heidi)

VII. Children’s Plot (Heidi)

VIII. Next Meeting (Scheduled or As Needed?) (Mr. Willey)

A. Soil Preparation

B. Topsoil Date

C. Planning?

D. Other

IX. Class meeting on April 9th. We will discuss more items/concerns/ideas at the class.

~ 8 am (Spanish)

~ 10am (English)

Some Tentatively Scheduled Events or Activities include:

April 1-9 (Friday - Saturday) : Common Grounders begin preparing their plots for topsoil that will be delivered later in the week.

April 4 (Monday) : Those wanting to help finish dividing up the new plots are invited to come between 3-7 PM.

April 8-11 (Friday - Monday) : The topsoil will be delivered and must be moved into the garden before Monday, the 11th, night.

April 9 (Saturday) : There will be two gardening classes taught at the school in Mr. Willey's room. The first will be at 8 AM and will be in Spanish. The second, in English, will be at 10 AM. Everyone, Common Grounders or not, is welcome so invite friends and family.

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